A) INDIUM TIN OXIDECapacitive sensors found in most existing touchscreens, track pads, OLED displays, and other electronics use indium tin oxide (ITO) as an electrode. The conductive material transmits an electric current to a user’s fingertips. ITO is also transparent, so light from the underlying LCD screen shines through.
B) SENSOR BOARDThe sensor board injects tiny electric currents into the ITO layer. When a user touches the screen (and thus the ITO layer), current flows from the sensor board through the ITO to the person’s body. The sensor on the board measures the body’s unique impedance at multiple frequencies. The most recent prototype takes up to a second to recalibrate for each new user. Once calibrated, it can recognize a familiar body in 500 milliseconds.
C) LCD PANELAn LCD provides the touchscreen's graphical interface.
Are you know How It Works: A Touchscreen That Knows Yours
it calculates the coordinates and responds to the simulations....
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