13 Must-see stargazing events for 2013!

I think The Comet "ISON" is the most interesting one .. We've waited. To see it.


How to Care and Keeping Moon Cactus Happy

These non-green cactus are known as Moon Cactus. 
 The red ones are also known as Ruby Ball Cactus or Red Cap Cactus. 
He sowed thousands of seeds before yielding two bright red mutants.
 He kept them alive through grafting.

my moon cactus 

Moon Cactus are as beautiful as any flowers.
Although they last a whole lot longer than flowers do, nevertheless they do not last perpetually.
Everything has a lifespan.
Moon Cactus has a lifespan of several months up to several years.

Tips for Keeping Moon Cactus Happy

Place it where it receives bright but indirect sunlight.
This is because the chlorophyll containing bottom part of the graft is a tropical cactus and not a desert cactus.

Water only when the soil is completely dry.
Never permit the cactus pot to stand in water. 
Ideally, use a clay pot as it dries up easily after watering, avoiding root rot.

Apply high phosphorus fertilizer only once in a few months.
Cacti has relatively low nutrient requirements.

May you be able to keep your Moon Cactus Happy & Healthy!


Why Cat Bites Are Bad for Your Health

About 80% of all cats are infected with Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite that can cause depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia in humans.


If you clean out your pet’s cage or terrarium and touch the feces and then your mouth, nose, or eyes before you remember to wash them, the bacteria can get into your digestive system. You can also get salmonella from feeding your pet if its diet consists of raw meat. Should you ingest the bacteria, you’ll be headed for a bout of unpleasant symptoms, including headaches, fever, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

Sometimes animals can become aggressive due to disease, old age, abuse, or intolerance with young children who might pull or tug on a short-tempered dog or cat. While most animals are not habitual biters, these types of injuries can be severe and sometimes life-threatening.